Friday, March 5, 2010

Historical Repetition

History of the constant exploitation of Tribal people around the world. The unfortunate truth is that as long as there have been people with power there have been people without power. Though this is a simple statement it is very true. The easiest people to exploit historically has always been tribal or indigenous people. This probably goes much further back then I will focus on. For the importance of dates though, we will start with Columbus's monumental failure in trying to find India. So in 1492 the beginning of exploitation and destruction of Indigenous people began. This has progressed into the more modern form of exploitation which we are still participating in, in 2010.

The earliest form of exploitation may have only started out as simple survival tactics. Getting food, clothing, lodging. This was only the first step though. It escalated quickly. The realization of resources that were at hand, and the indigenous peoples care free attitude for them. It was a capitalistic approach to racism and exploitation. What better way to introduce the "backwards" people into the modern world. This carried through for all indigenous people that had valuable minerals and resources that were financially prevalent. As time passed though it was no longer the minerals these people had. It became the market ability of the actual people, their culture and their very way of life. The experiences you could have, the odd way they lived. Examples of this exploitation could be observed in the worlds fair with the portrayal of the savages from all around the world put on display like animals in a zoo. This has only progressed further into the exploitation. The selling of rituals, items and beliefs. We are living history and participating in the destruction of these people ourselves.


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